Sunday, August 07, 2005

Life consists of very small things.

Life consists of very small things.
So if you become interested in so-called
big things, you will be missing life.
Life consists in sipping a cup of tea, in
gossiping with a friend;going for a morning
walk, not going anywhere in particular, just
for a walk no goal, no end, from any point
You can turn back; cooking food for someone
you love; cooking food for yourself, because
you love your body too;washing your
clothes, cleaning the floor, watering the
gardens-these small things, very small things
-saying hello to a stranger, which was not
needed at all because there was no question
of any business with the stranger.
The man who can say hello to a stranger
can also say hello to a flower, can also say
hello to a tree, can sing s song to the birds

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